Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Interview Questions - Very IMP

Testing FAQ’s
1. What is the difference between test strategy and test plan?

Test strategy and test plan both means that planning the testing activity.
But test strategy is an organizational level term, which can be used for all the projects in the Organization.
Test plan is a project level term which can be used only for that project.

2. Write a test case on web login for bank application and client server?

a) Enter the URL, check the login page open or not.
b) Default focus should be on user name.
c) Password should be in encrypted format or not
d) Password should not get copied (that is ctrl + c, mouse right click, edit have copy disable not work)
e) Input domain testing on user name (that is boundary value analysis)
f) Input domain testing on password (that is boundary value analysis)
g) Properties check on buttons (that is enable or disable)
h) Functionality check on the buttons (it works correct or not)
i) Authorization testing (that is valid or invalid values are allow or not).
j) Case sensitive check on the login page (that is allowed the cap or small letters).
k) After the sing out login, it should come back to your previous page, should not show the expired text.
l) Enter into the after login page copy the URL and click after on the logout, paste the URL, then same page should not allowed to open.
m) Check the assignation time with respect to client
n) Check the cockers
o) Check the single user or multi-user are use
p) Check the usability of the login page
q) Under usability look and fell, spelling mistakes, colures, font sizes and so on.

I am future Project Manager/CEO of this company.

4. what is the difference b/w Priority and severity in Bug Report

5. Does the integration testing include non functional test?6. How to Trace a Defect?

Tracing a Defect is nothing but Deviation of the Customer requirement in the application.

If Customer Requirement is not performing its function or not available in application, i.e. called Defect.

Defect Tracking means... Ensure that the Defect is related to which Test Case. You should able to find which defect is related to which Requirement, Tracking the defect with respect to Test Cases... you can maintain the documents with Hyperlinks to desired Documents

for e.g. Functional Requirement Specifications Document
Use Case document
Master Test Case Document
Detailed Test Case Document
Defect Profile Document
if you maintain according to your desired documents with hyperlink, you can easily Trace back Which Defect is related to which Requirement...

7. Define with example high severity and low priority ? 2.low severity and high priority? 3.both are high? 4.both are low ?

8. Diff. between system test cases & UAT test cases?
System testing of software is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.

9. How do u find duplicate test cases?

In Traceability requirement matrix (TRM) ,we develop the mapping between the functional req. & test cases. you can find out that whether any test case is missed or any Duplicate test case is generated with the help of TRM.

10. What is the big bang approach in integration testing?
All the modules are integrated first at once and then testing performed. Disadvantage of this is we cannot point out the origin of the bug, I mean to say if there is any
bug, then it is difficult to developer to find out which part of application is not working or whether there is any mistake while doing the integration of modules.

11. How to write test case for triangle and square?
12. What is B.V.A with brief example?

13. What do you know about ERP, INSURANCE DOMAINS?

14. Difference between XP and Vista?

To be honest, microsoft hasn't done much in the four year interval between the initial windows xp and windows vista
But security is one dramatic add on, especially as the days where there is a growing number of hackers and malware
We may have already had a taste of this if you downloaded windows xp sp2, which has generally the same security features in windows vista, for example the firewall, although windows vista's firewall is now able to monitor both inbound and outbound traffic
If you would like more features be sure to check out the official window vista features

15. What is suspension & resumption criteria in Test Plan please explain with example?

Suspension/Resumption Criteria in a Software Test Plan :
If any defects are found which seriously impact the test progress the test lead may choose to suspend testing.
The criteria which are considered for suspension or resumption are :
[a] hardware / software not available at the time indicated in the project schedule
[b] the build contains many serious defects which seriously prevent or limit testing progress
[c] Assigned test resources are not available when needed by the test team

Resumption Criteria :

If testing is suspended, resumption will only occur when the problem(s) that caused the suspension have been resolved. When a critical defect is the cause of the suspension, the “FIX” must be verified by the testing team before testing is resumed

16. What is difference between test strategies and test data ?

Suppose there are three modules A-B-C, the output of A is responsible for B and output of B is responsible for C and if A & C is not ready & B module is ready then how u can check Module B

17. What is SQL Index ?

18. Difference between web application and Client Server application ?

19. Give me any example of High severity and Low priority type of bug ?

20. What is diff. between System Testing and Integration Testing ?

21. What is the difference between Performance testing and Load testing ?

22. why need testing ????

23. what is Difference between entry criteria and exit criteria ?

Entry Criteria
Test Case completed
Resource are Identify
Test Data is available
Test Environment Setup

Exit Criteria
All Test Cases Executed
2. All Defects report and Retested
3. Test documents are updated with results
4. All reports are generated:
* Execution report
* Defect Report

24. What is the Test Driver used in Integration Testing. Anybody can explain in Detail. Thanks in advance.

25. what is the difference between test case and test scenario?

26. What is diff between Load testing Stress testing?

27. what is sanity testing when do u start it?

Sanity testing is the initial level of testing. Before you accept the build all the major functionalities are working correctly. Its like a fitness of the product. After finishing the sanity testing we can do the system testing.

Sanity test determines while we are doing the testing Whether the test is reasonable to proceed with further testing or not (means the particular test is must or not).

28. entry and exit criteria for each phase in STLC and SDLC?

29. what is manual testing process?

30. what are the metrics you are following?

Test Metrics is a mechanism to know the effectiveness of the
testing that can be measured quantitatively. It is a
feedback mechanism to improve the Testing Process that is
followed currently.

31. What is Software Testing Methodologies

1.white box testing
2.black box testing
3.gray box testing

32. Why Should we prepare traceability matrix?

From TRM, we know how much requirements covered in test case.
by using TRM easily mapping between requirements and
test case.

It’s very useful while change request time also

33. If the developer rejects that it’s not a bug means then what’s the next step we follow?

Retest the same test case, if u get same bug. Send it to
Developer. If developer didn't accept it approach team lead

34. What is Deferred Bug? Explain it who allocates it?

Deferred means, when we r reporting a bug to particular developer, then the importance of the bug or by the lack of time they are not going to fix that bug at that time. So for that bug they assign DEFFERED STATE.

Deferred means postponed for future versions, Program manager is given by deferred status.

35. What is configuration testing?

During this testing tester validate how well our current project is able to supports on different types of hardware technologies like as different types of printers, n/w
Interface cord (NIC), topology etc. this testing is also called as hardware testing or portable testing

Configuration testing is also called "Hardware compatibility testing", during this testing
Tester will test whether the s/w build is supporting different hardware technologies or not
Ex: printer, Scanners and topologies etc.,

Testing the software against the hardware or testing the software against the software is called configuration testing

36. What is the difference between bug, defect, error, failure, fault & mistake?

Let me explain with an example.
If input is 2+2, then output is an error message, it is error(syntax error).
If input is 2+2, then output is 5, it is bug (logical error).
If the program is for addition and subtraction, and only addition is there and subtraction is left out, it is defect.
Usually the error is found by developer.
Usually the bug is found by tester.
Usually the defect is found by client or user.

37. 100 glasses are there. A servant has to supply glasses to a person If he supplies the glasses without any damage he will get 3 paisa otherwise he will loose 3 paisa. At the end of supplying 100 glasses if he gets 270 paisa, how many glasses were supplied safely.

270/3=90 GLASS

38. what is the diff between CMM, SEI, PCMM and six sigma?

The CMM i.e. capability maturity model defines processes to be followed at each level (by experience) to achieve the desired result.
SEI - Software Engineering Institute that certifies the various companies by the help of their representatives in various countries.
PCMM-Peoples CMM i.e. there is about 199 people practices followed across the various companies. I.e. based on the feed back of the people about the company, if we make required changes that yield better results and healthy environment for the people working in it. Ex; Black box, e-mails, etc.
Six Sigma in brief is the standard process in moving towards total bug free Software(ex) like 99.9999%.Though it is similar to CMM5, it is very rigid in some aspects like
rejecting the defect SW component and producing a new one. No compromise in quality. Motorola company is one such Six sigma company.

39. When we enter valid user ID and passwords and unable to login then what do we test more?

Check your databases if your value is correct so check the value case sensitive or not.

Report the bug to development team because sometimes the developer made the mistake or the valid user id does not exist in your database table

If you unable to enter better report it to development team or discuss with Test team Lead or Developer about the particular functionality

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