Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dictionary - Some useful words and their synonyms

Dwarves = dwarf (plural)
Sue = take to court
Discrimination = bias/prejudice
Bitches = female dog/difficult situation
Slang= vernacular/colloquial speech/informal speech
Shit = an offensive term used for something unpleasant
Humility = humbleness/modesty/meekness/shyness/submissiveness/compliance
Temperament = nature/character/personality/disposition/spirit/temper/outlook
Squabble = argue/quarrel/bicker
Redemption = salvation/deliverance/rescue/recovery/revitalization
Symbolism = representation
Inadequacy = insufficiency
Tribute = compliment/honor/praise
Docile = passive/quiet
Blockade = barrier/obstruct/cordon
Regent = one who rules in absence of monarch
Monarch = sovereign
In Lieu of = in place of
Archive = stored
Docketing = pending cases in LAW court
Ounce = little
Quack = duck’s child
Scarce = of little supply
Flutterby = butterfly
Prick = pierce
Shed = drop/get rid of
Arbitration = adjudication/negotiation
Litigation = court case/proceedings
Meditation = consideration/deliberation/fore thought
Torrent = violent flow/flood/gush/downpour/surge
Blink = flicker/open and close the eyes
Lick = defeat/beat/conquer
Assassination = murder/killing/shooting
Bump = hit/knock/bang
Decomposition = putrefaction
Ergonomic = The science of people-machine relationships. An ergonomically designed product implies that the device blends smoothly with a person's body or actions.
Depleted = exhausted
Migraine = severe headache
Adolescence = teen age years/puberty/youth
Headache = annoyance/nuisance
Numbness = lack of sensation
Tingling = itchy/tickly/prickly
Agitation = campaigning/demonstration/protest/confrontation
Statute = act/ law
Agile = lively/alert

Lump sum = Large payment of money received at one time instead of in periodic payments
Annuity = pension/allowance/income
Glossary = vocabulary/lexicon
Explicit = Open/clear/overt/precise
Implicit = ambiguous/hidden/embedded/unspoken

Embarrass = make uncomfortable/humiliate
Indispensable = crucial/vital/important
Judgment = decision/verdict/opinion
Liaison = link/connection/association
Occurrence =
Perseverance = insistence/urgency/firmness
Prerogative = privilege
Supersede = succeed
Aesthetic = artistic/visual
Indispensable = crucial/vital
Whopping = enormous/gigantic/monstrous
Consolidate = merge/combine/unite
Forgery and tampering = copy and paste
Repudiation = denial/negation/disclaimer
Debilitated = incapacitated/injured/harmed
Spruce up = tidy/neat/orderly
Brittle = fragile
Incarnation = personification/manifestation
Ritual = custom/habit/service
Weasel = sly or underhanded person
Sly = cunning
Forfeited = penalty for doing something wrong
Tomb = crypt/burial place/grave
Zoroastrian = Persian
Cite = name/quote/mention/refer to
Equestrianism = horseback riding
Exotic = glamorous/foreign/bizarre/out of ordinary
In accordance with = in keeping/in line/in reference to
Betrothed = engaged
Regent = substitute for monarch
Amour = illicit love affair
Illicit = illegal/unlawful/illegitimate
Purportedly = supposedly/allegedly
Weird = strange/odd/bizarre
Assassinate =kill/shoot/slay
Catastrophic = disastrous/shattering/calamitous
Premonition = forewarning/feeling/intuition/omen/sign/presentiment
Verdict = decision/judgment
Siege = cordon/blockade/barrier
Jolt =jerk/shock
Outfit = group/setup/team/company
Outfits= clothes/garments/attire
Patriarch = head of family/senior
Debacle = devastation/catastrophe/disaster
Unlikely = improbable/implausible/incredible
Disheartening = scary/discouraging/overwhelming/off-putting
Dodgy = corrupt/dishonest/unprincipled
Deceitful =falsehearted/fraudulent/untrustworthy
Incumbency = the period of time during which somebody occupies an official post
Anti-incumbency = expressing or holding an opposing view, especially with regard to a political issue or moral principle
Tenure = term/occupancy/possession
Suave = smooth/sophisticated
Overwhelm = overpower/devastate/crush/wreck
Ruin = destroy/mess up/damage
Mess = jumble/confusion
Allege = declare/claim/assert
Strained = stressed/tense
Anxious = nervous/worried/restless/apprehensive/uneasy
Comprehensive = complete
Apprehensive = worried/uneasy
Probe = search/investigate/look in/survey
Allegation = claim/charge/accusation
Convinced = persuaded/influenced/no doubt
Confront = to face/meet
Consortium = syndicate/group
Regress = revert/relapse/go back/set back
Accreditation = official approval
Endorsement = backing/support/approval
Distressed = upset/bothered/worried
Elapsed = beyond/onwards/over and done/gone
Smear = spread/coat/cover/wipe
Glacier = a large body of continuously accumulating ice and compacted snow, formed in mountain valleys or at the
poles, that deforms under its own weight and slowly moves
Curious = nosy/inquisitive
Curiosity = nosiness/interest
Lag = insulate/wrap/cover/delay
Summon = call/call upon/beckon
Upright = decent/honest/erect
Erection =composition/formation/creation
Ritual = rite/ceremony/formal procedure/sacrament
Sacrament = self punishment/forfeit
Reparation = compensation/reimbursement
Molestation = abuse somebody sexually
Violation = infringement/contravention/abuse
Abuse = mistreatment/ill-treatment
Somebody = Someone
Dissident = rebel
Rebel = revolutionary/rise up/revolt
Rebellion = revolt
Eminent = well known/renowned/prominent
Betray = be disloyal to/give up/deceive
Hold on = grasp/grip/clutch
Pensive =meditative/thinking/pondering/thoughtful/brooding
Glitter = sparkle/shine/dazzle/shimmer/glisten

Harness = tie together/wrap/yoke
Pioneer = lead the way/establish

Amenable = willing/agreeable/acquiescent
Bods = body
Provoke = incite/make somebody to feel angry/indignant
Expats = expatriate
Expatriate = somebody who has moved abroad
Contemporary = modern/up to date/fashionable
Coverage = reporting/exposure/treatment
Motel = a hotel intended to provide short-term lodging for traveling motorists, usually situated close to a highway and having rooms accessible from the parking area
Ritz = to make a show of wealth and extravagance
Rose = rise
Cope = manage/handle/deal with
Alliance = coalition/grouping/agreement
Sneeze = to suddenly, forcefully, and involuntarily expel air through the nose and mouth because of irritation of
the nasal passages
Rampage = run riot/run amok/go wild
Imminent = about to happen/looming/forthcoming
Fortnight = a period of 14 days(UK)
Burst = rupture/disintegrate
Indulge = spoil/treat
Sprint = hurry/run
Scrum =formalized contest for possession of the ball during a rugby game
Gross = total
Net = remaining
Repudiation = negation/denial
Integrity = Honesty
Authentication = verification/validation/endorsement
Reputation = status

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